This is our niche, and we do it every day, over and over. We offer Early Bird, Mid-Morning, Evening, and Weekend sessions: one of them will fit your schedule perfectly!
We know how to move people powerfully from one pose to another. We link breath with movement to ignite your parasympathetic nervous system to allow cortisol levels to decrease.
Our yoga style helps you manage your stress every day as well as bringing contentment which ignites happiness from the inside.
We slowly build speed going up the mountain to build internal heat and energy to be utilized to open our tightest areas on our bodies.
All you have to do is INHALE when we say Inhale and EXHALE when we say exhale, and look to your right and left if you need to know what poses look like.
As teachers, we teach to the people on the mats. We are verbal teachers, not “demo” teachers which really provides you all the benefits of breathing and moving.
Classes Offered
You can reserve your classes for 30 days at a time.
We greatly appreciate your reserving your classes. When you do reserve a class, please either make sure you show up for that reservation — or — if you do have to cancel for any reason, please contact us at least an hour before your scheduled reservation time so someone else can attend at that time.
If you have taken yoga classes in the past you can skip the Building the Basics class. If you have not taken yoga classes before, we do want you to take the Building the Basics class for your perfect introduction to FPY.
Stretch Series
Stretch & Strength
Stretch & Strength classes use a chair for support and resistance bands that you can purchase at the studio (look for a blue bag in the FPY Market).
We replaced weights with resistance bands for a better resistance training.
In this class, we alternate between stretch moves and resistance moves.
Hot Stretch
Hot Stretch classes use a chair for support.
Stretching in a heated environment gives you a much deeper stretch.
Think about a frozen Charleston bar. If you hit it on the counter, it breaks into pieces — but if you heat it in a microwave, it melts.
This class has hip opening, back opening, and pelvic floor tightening series.
Balance & Strength
We all feel our balance is off or decreasing from day to day.
This class is designed to improve balance through a series of strengthening poses linked with big, huge breaths.
Hot Power Yoga Series
Slow Power
This is our niche, and we do it every day, over and over. We offer Early Bird, Mid-Morning, Evening, and Weekend sessions: one of them will fit your schedule perfectly!
Core Power
These are super fun classes infused with yoga in between sets of abs, weights, or whatever the flavor of the moment is.
In this 30-minute class, we focus on intensity training that can be high or low impact, depending on what the person likes. It’s a blast!
In this 45-minute class, we use resistance bands, handles, and ankle cuffs to get a killer stretch workout. You’ll need a black band bag available in the FPY Market.
Our band equipment has been selected by Dr. Kathy Hennessey to give people the best equipment to do the job safely.
We start with a brief cardio burst, go to resistance training, and finish off with yoga.
Class Schedule

If you are already into Yoga, you will LOVE our challenging and invigorating FPY Style! We believe in Yoga for life! After the Welcome class, feel free to choose any class that grabs your attention.

Join the Florida Power Yoga team with a complete, turn-key operation that is genuinely unlike any other opportunity available.
We have leveraged our years of successful (and profitable) experience to design a program that sets you up for success literally from Day One.
Call Denice at 813-590-5449 for information. Limited location availability.